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Hunters Moon Games

Telling the stories of the world you thought you knew!

About Us

Creating games from your nightmares!

Hunters Moon Games is based in Norwich, UK focusing on game development specifically dedicated to horror games that utilize real-life locations and local myths/legends.


We provide detailed accounts of the games development and updates with each game we produce. With a passion for creating immersive and terrifying gaming experiences, our blog aims to be a go-to resource for horror game enthusiasts and those interested to see how it all works, whether you are a beginner looking to learn more about game development or an experienced developer seeking inspiration.

Hunters Moon Team at their Graduation
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Our Games

Our Games

At Hunters Moon Games, we specialize in creating horror games that are truly terrifying. Our games incorporate real-life locations and local myths and legends to create a unique and immersive player experience.

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The Black Shuck

Psychological Horror

The Ghosts of Norwich is a spine-tingling horror game that takes place in the haunted streets of Norwich. Explore the ancient city and uncover its dark secrets as you try to survive the night.

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Coming soon!

Coming Soon


Coming soon!


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Coming soon!


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